Heating our bathroom

The bathroom in our old house was cold. Really cold. It had two external, solid brick walls, and the room was tiled floor to ceiling. We had a rubber floor covering, so at least you didn’t suffer from very cold feet. We had a lot of condensation, which unfortunately led to some mold. We triedContinue reading “Heating our bathroom”

LED Clock, Update!

I managed to rework the time calculation and hour hand movement! I removed the RTC component and just let the loop run, with simple counters to simulate the passage of second, minutes and hours. I think the transition of the “hands” needs to be smoother, more analogue. I’ll have to investigate if FastLED can doContinue reading “LED Clock, Update!”

LED Clock, Part I: Hands

The first part of making an LED clock was actually learning how to control the LEDs in the strip. I had experimented with the LED strip before, flashing a rainbow, before realising I had no practical use the damn thing. At the time, I had used a Neopixel library. Upon googling the subject again, anotherContinue reading “LED Clock, Part I: Hands”

Lockdown LED Clock

A year or two ago, I picked up a WS2812B LED strip, but, for the life of me, could never think of anything useful to do with it. Recently, however, I came across these LED powered clocks. This feels like a project that will combine a few things: ESP MCU Real Time Clock WS2812B stripContinue reading “Lockdown LED Clock”